Designing for the mind
Business Haley Business Haley

Designing for the mind

Knowing this can be the key to designing your business for success, but it comes with a certain commitment or responsibility. 

Using psychology doesn't have to feel manipulative, it can help design easier-to-use products, it can help create a common interest, among other things. 

Let's see how it can play a role in both design & business.

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Personal Haley Personal Haley


I've been documenting & reflecting on each passing year for about three years now. It's a practice I highly recommend you start this year!

I look back on journal entries, goals & pictures, of course. It is SO much fun & every year I discover more and more about myself. 

You can read my 2022 recap here, but let's get into the recap of 2023! 

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Why branding is a good investment
Brand Design, Business Haley Brand Design, Business Haley

Why branding is a good investment

Making investments for your little biz can be a big deal.

After researching freelance designers on Instagram you might be thinking, "A free Canva logo doesn't look too bad." & while a DIY logo can hold you over till you feel more ready to invest, it's not a long-term solution.

Investing in & working with a professional sets you apart through strategy.

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Lessons on Creativity
Creativity, Brand Design Haley Creativity, Brand Design Haley

Lessons on Creativity

Cultivating a creative practice takes time. After all, it is a practice. 

It's okay if you fall off for a bit, it's still there, & you can always access it. 

Whether you decide to start a new creative practice today or pick up your old one, here are a few things I wish I had known earlier.

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