The Best Ways to Build Up Your Design Portfolio

Without client work

design portfolio tips

Your portfolio is your most important asset as a designer.

Without one, it could be hard to find clients. 

Luckily, there are many ways you can build up an online portfolio to help you start landing your dream clients. 

To start attracting those dream clients, you have to start putting out work that does just that. 

Think of the types of projects you want in the future & design for those. 

One of the ways you can do this is by joining brief challenges on Instagram. 

Check out this blog post for more on brief challenges & where to find them.

This is a great way to design for your industry or target audience without starting from scratch with ideas. 

If you’re looking for a fun way to broaden your skills, check out Dribbles Weekly Warm Ups under the insipration tab.

This week the prompt happens to be a branding project, but they offer a lot of web, app, & UI design as well. 

If you’re looking to practice a logo a day, consider signing up for The Daily Logo Challenge

Every day for 50 days, you’ll get a new design challenge to work on. 

Not only will this rapidly build your portfolio, but also your design skills. 

If none of these is your style, check out some design brief generators. 

Briefz.Biz is a quick but powerful generator with an endless amount of fun & challenging design ideas. 

Another brief generator is Sharpen.Design. This is great for all you product designers, marketing or UX designers. You can even lock the design & change the client or vice versa. 

So you have a bunch of work but where do you start building your portfolio? 

Instagram is a great place to start. It’s not a professional portfolio site, but it is where a lot of potential clients hang out. 

If you are looking for a professional portfolio site, check out Contra

Not only is it a great place to showcase your work & services, but you can also find clients directly on the platform & get paid commission free.

You don’t need to have high-ticket clients to have high-ticket work. 

All you need is a willingness to practice & to put yourself out there. 

Those high ticket clients will come. 

Thanks for reading!

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