Stats, milestones & lessons from this year.

2 min read

2023 small business owner wrapped

It’s that time of year!! 

I’ve been documenting & reflecting on each passing year for about three years now. It's a practice I highly recommend you start this year!

I look back on journal entries, goals & pictures, of course. It is SO much fun & every year I discover more and more about myself. 

You can read my 2022 recap here, but let's get into the recap of 2023! 


Blog posts written: 12

Clients onboarded: 10

Books read: 12

Passion projects: countless!


Gave a speech for AIGA Chicago! 

Hit my best sales month! (followed closely by my worst 😆)

Saw the Dali exhibit at the Art Institute (I love surrealism)

Took a pottery class!!

Trip to Colorado!!

Did my first brand photoshoot (can’t wait for more!)

Got off Etsy & started a shop on my site :)

Started a little creative community & had our first monthly chat! 🖤

Hit 1 mil impressions & 1k followers on Pinterest, like what?!


  1. Businesses, especially personal brands, need room to grow, evolve & change.

  2. Always refer back to your values- they’re like a north star in decision-making. 

  3. Community over competition

  4. Authenticity over anything

  5. Take your time, there’s no rush & why should there be?

  6. Planning means nothing without action. Just do it. 

get comfortable with the uncomfortable

My biggest lesson has been not to be afraid of change. 

2024 feels like it’s going to be a big year for change. I’ve learned not to fear the uncertainty but to bask in it. 

Go into change fearless; get comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

Running a business requires getting comfortable with uncertainty.

As lesson #6 says, you can plan & predict as much as you want, but only by keeping things in motion will you find that confidence to persevere. 

I’m so grateful to be entering another year of freelancing & working with small business owners, thank you to all the clients & friends who have made it possible!

If you’re ready for some exciting branding changes, get in touch for the new year!

Thanks for reading!

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2023 freelance designer wrapped

How to build a personal brand in 2024


Why branding is a good investment