tips on launching a brand

what to do with your new branding

2 min read

You just received your new brand identity system & you’re excited to put it to use. You updated your profile pics & website with the new logo but where do you actually start?

What’s next? 

You have all these files & loads of information, but you’re not sure how to implement it. Let alone how to launch this new brand with a bang. 

I provide all my clients with a simple launch guide to help them find their next steps & I’m sharing part of that here. 

Starting with some basics. 

Plan Ahead

Before going public with any venture, you need to do your homework. 

Know who your target audience is. Go beyond the demographics to find out what makes them tick.

What is their relationship to money? What is their buyer type? What products/brands do they already relate to & why? What are their values? 

Knowing your audience can lead us to messaging & positioning. How can we communicate & resonate with this audience? How do we want them to think of us? 

We’re trying to understand them on a deeper level. Maybe even separate the target audience into subgroups to better customize our messages.

Reading comments, asking questions & doing some social listening, can all help you get connected & gain valuable insight on your consumer's wants & needs. 

All of this information & more can be found in your strategy guide, which is helpful to refer back to when making business decisions. 

Create Hype

An important part of any launch is the community waiting in anticipation. Whether you’re launching a product or service, you need to warm up the crowd a bit first. 

Keep top of mind well before your launch date with teaser videos, sneak peek posts & engaging with your audience! 

As I mentioned before, answer questions & ask them!

You’ll attract more consumers by actually showing interest in them. Show them you’re listening by implementing their suggestions. 

You can start collecting emails here with a landing page or keep it small, by invite only through DMs. Get creative. 

The goal is to gradually build up a group of fans that are lined up at the door by the time of your launch. 

Do Something Interesting!!!

“Don’t just create a campaign, create something interesting” 

We always want our marketing to reflect our audience & brand, but ultimately, the unconventional, fun, quirky, unique, out-there campaign launches get the most attention. 

Think outside the box.

How can you relate some absurd idea to your audience? How can you do something creative? How can you make it a fun & shareable experience?

The more niche, the better. 

Again, think about the end client or customer- ask yourself what they would find interesting. 

There are countless ways you can launch a brand, business, product, or service. These are just a few suggestions to keep in mind to create a successful launch. 

I hope you’ve found my tips helpful, let me know if you did! 


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